Press Release

The West African Health Organization (WAHO) supports the regional consultation on maternal and child health in west and central Africa: a mobilization to accelerate progress towards the sustainable development goals by 2030

The West African Health Organization participated in the regional consultation entitled "Every Woman, Every Newborn, Everywhere" (EWENE) and "Action for Child Survival" (CSA) held in Dakar, Senegal, from 19 to 22 November 2024. Organized by UNICEF, WHO, UNFPA and UN Women, in partnership with key actors such as USAID, the French Muskoka Fund, the GFF and the Gates Foundation, the...

Lancement de la Campagne transfrontalière de sensibilisation sur le VIH/IST/TB/Hépatites

L’Organisation du Corridor Abidjan-Lagos (OCAL), institution sous-régionale ayant pour mandat de lutter contre les IST, le VIH/SIDA et les autres épidémies à travers des services de prévention, de soins, d’accompagnement, en collaboration avec les gouvernements des pays et partenaires techniques et financiers organise du 26 novembre au 3 décembre 2024, une campagne de sensibilisation et de mobilisation ciblant les populations...

WAHO Conducts Monitoring and Evaluation Missions in Cabo Verde and Guinea-Bissau.

Praia, Cabo Verde and Bissau, Guinea-Bissau – As part of its ongoing efforts to strengthen the health systems of ECOWAS member states, the West African Health Organization (WAHO) conducted a strategic monitoring and evaluation mission in Cabo Verde and Guinea-Bissau in November 2024. This initiative is part of a broader commitment to ensuring the effectiveness of the technical, financial, and...
West African Health Organization
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