1. Project title: Moving Maternal, Newborn and Child Evidence Into Policy in West Africa "MEP"
2. Geographical coverage:
- Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal
3. Start date: 1st November 2014
4. End date: 31 July 2020
5. Project objectives:
General objective
- Improve the demand for production, and the use of research results for decision-making in maternal and child health (MCH) policies, programmes and practices within the Community of West African States region.
Specific objectives
- Conduct a situational analysis for the production and use of research results at national and regional levels in Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) in the ECOWAS region;
- Strengthen WAHO's capacity to promote the use of health research in the ECOWAS region;
- Promote the use of evidence to improve the quality of MNCH decision-making in the ECOWAS region;
- Strengthen collaboration between researchers and SMNI decision-makers in the ECOWAS region.
6. Components: A total of three (03)
- C1: Situational analysis;
- C2: Platform for Strengthening Knowledge Transfer;
- C3: Monitoring, evaluation and learning.
7. Linkage with WAHO 2016-2020 Strategic Plan.
- P1 : Health information and research for health
- P7 : Maternal, newborn, child, adolescent, youth and elderly health
- P13 : Institutional Strengthening of WAHO