Link: https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/62702.html
Strengthening ECOWAS, WAHO/RCSDC and National Coordinating Institutions for an improved prevention and control of disease outbreaks funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and co-financed by the European Union (EU); implemented by GIZ
Project scope:
The regional organizational level; the project is targeting all 15 ECOWAS member States in its regional activities. Focus countries include Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Togo; as well as Nigeria and Ghana for selected activities.
Start Date: September 2016
End Date: June 2021
The project is part of a joint programme for pandemic prevention of the German Development Cooperation between KfW and GIZ, whereby KfW focuses on laboratory strengthening via financial cooperation, and GIZ provides technical cooperation in the areas described below.
Impact Programme Objective:
The population of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is better protected against diseases.
Objective of the programme implemented by GIZ (RPPP):
The advisory services to the ECOWAS Member States provided by the ECOWAS Commission, WAHO and specialist agencies in establishing selected disease control mechanisms in accordance with the International Health Regulations are improved.
- C1: Gender-sensitive risk communication
- C2: Interinstitutional Communication and Coordination
- C3: Human Resources’ Capacity Strengthening
- C4: Digitalized Surveillance and Outbreak Management
Output A: In the ECOWAS Region, the communication of health risks due to infectious diseases which takes gender and One Health aspects into account has improved.
Output B: The communication and coordination between ECOWAS institutions and specialized agencies, NCIs and partners in the field of disease control has been strengthened.
Output C: The human resources of the ECOWAS Commission, WAHO, RCSDC and the NCIs in disease control are strengthened.
Output D: The digitalized disease outbreak management and surveillance system in Nigeria and Ghana has been enhanced.
Regional Coordination:
Steering Committee
Chair: DG WAHO nominated by the President of the ECOWAS Commission
- Director/ Regional Center for Surveillance and Disease Control (RCSDC)
- Representative ECOWAS Commission
- Representatives of NCIs in Focus Countries
- GIZ ECOWAS Cluster Coordinator
- European Union Delegation in Nigeria and on purpose
Operational Coordination: GIZ and WAHO/RSCDC
Implementing institutions or agencies:
- West African Health Organization (WAHO) (Regional coordination of the project)
- Regional Center for Surveillance and Disease Control (RSCDC)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ, technical management)
- National Coordination Institutions (NCI)
- Ministries of Health in ECOWAS member states
- In collaboration with WAHO Liaison Officers and IHR Focal Persons as well as bilateral GIZ health programs in the respective countries
Linkage of each of the activities with WAHO 2016-2020 Strategic plan:
The regional project is linked to the following priority programs of the 2016-2020 RSP:
- Disease control (P2)
- Epidemics and other health emergencies (P3)
- Governance of the health system (P9)
- Human Resources in the Health Sector (P10)
- Technical Assistance to Member States (P11)
- Institutional Strengthening (P13)