1. Titre du projet : Leadership Capacity Strengthening (CAPS) Project
2. Couverture géographique :
- WAHO (regional level)
- ECOWAS Countries
3. Date de démarrage: 3 February 2015
4. Date de fin: 31 January 2019
FY 2015 - FY 2018
5. Project Objectives: To strengthen the capacity of WAHO as a leader in health in West Africa, for policy harmonization, advocacy, promoting public-private partnerships for health, and identifying, sharing, and supporting the scale-up of best practices in health.
This is expected to be achieved through :
- Result 1: Enhancing support to ECOWAS member states to scale up evidence-based practices
- Result 2: Operationalization of advocacy and communications strategies
- Result 3: Expansion of WAHO’s role in regional donor, public and private partnerships
A 4th result meant to operationalize the West Africa Regional Health Information systems (HIS) Policy and Strategy has been proposed for inclusion.
6. Composantes :
- Best practices
- Advocacy and Communication
- Public-private partnership
7. Coordination régionale :
- Kofi Busia (Project Manager)
- Rachel Cintron : Director USAID/WA RHO
8. Institutions/Agences d’exécution :
- USAID/WA Regional Health Office
9. Linkage of each of the activities with WAHO’s Strategic plan 2016-20
Strategic Objective 2: Strengthening strategic partnerships for health
Priority programs:
- Technical assistance to Member States;
- Technical and financial partnerships and policy harmonization.
Strategic Objective 3: Building the institutional capacity of WAHO
Priority program: Institutional capacity of WAHO