WAHO, Africa CDC and Nigeria CDC hold a tripartite meeting

Date: 2017-06-14 00:20:17 ID: 1639

Abuja, Nigeria, June 09, 2017 ' The West African Health Organization (WAHO), the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and the Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) held a tripartite meeting.

The purpose of the meeting was to facilitate the harmonized implementation of ECOWAS Regional Center for Surveillance and Disease Control (RCDC) and to define the role of Nigeria CDC as the Regional Coordinating Center of the Africa CDC.

The meeting was held at the Nigeria CDC Headquarters in Abuja and in opening remark, the Chief Executive Officer of the Nigeria CDC, Dr Chikwe Ihekweazu who is also acting as the Executive Director of the ECOWAS RCDC noted that '??the year had been monumental year for the Nigeria CDC'?? because they had taken on '??increased responsibility by working with WAHO and the Africa Union'??.

The Director General of the West African Organization (WAHO), Dr Xavier Crespin on his part expressed his gratitude and stated that WAHO's vision was to build a national coordinating network in all the 15 ECOWAS countries.

He said the meeting was also an opportunity to review what WAHO was able to achieve in setting up the RCDC. For him, the next steps should the development of a roadmap with main activities to be implemented.

Dr Crespin was the opportunity to inform the gathering of the next Assembly of ECOWAS Health Ministers scheduled for June 16, 2017 at the ECOWAS Commission in Abuja. He said at that platform, he would present the status of implementation of the ECOWAS RCDC, where he would highlight the linkage with the Africa CDC.

He also informed of the Meeting of the ECOWAS '??One Health'?? Policy Coordination Platform to be held on June 17, 2017. The meeting will involve the ministers of health, agriculture or animal health and environment from all the 15 ECOWAS countries.

He ended his remarks by thanking the CEO of Nigeria CDC for facilitating the tripartite meeting and the Honorable Minister of State for Health for gracing the occasion.

The Director of Africa CDC, Dr John Nkengasong, when given the opportunity to speak said '??this is a historic moment in the public health in Africa; and that Africa was doing the right thing.

According to him, the Heads of States have recognized the threats and have therefore agreed '??to have an African health security that is unified and not fragmented'??. '??This is what we are working towards'?? he concluded. In his opening speech, Dr Osagie Ehanire, the Honorable Minister of State for Health proudly stated '??'?? We are taking more responsibility for our health security'??.

He continued: '??We know our challenges; we are beginning to generate roadmap to tackle the issues'??.

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