Project Title: Investment in youth engagement and family planning for adolescent sexual and reproductive health in ECOWAS region (IYAFP)
Start Date: November 20, 2017
End Date: December 31, 2020
Funding: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
Coverage area: Youth and Adolescents sexual and reproductive health in 9 ECOWAS member States
Implementation agency: West African Health Organization (WAHO)
Charitable purpose: To strengthen the West African Health Organization’s capacity to support member counties in improving delivery of and advocating for better family planning services particularly for adolescents and young people.
Main objective: Improve the enabling environment governing the availability and accessibility of quality sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and services for adolescents and young people (10-24) in nine of the 15 ECOWAS countries.
Specific objectives:
- Strengthen capacity of CSOs and research institutions in ECOWAS countries to engage youth; and deliver quality, comprehensive, SRH information, research, and services to adolescents and young people;
- Support Ministries of Health (at national-level) and CSOs working on adolescent SRH issues;
- Elevate youth-led and youth-serving organizations to participate in the Best Practices Health Forum. Moreover, the project will support the most promising youth-led activities and interventions;
- Bring together and strengthen the capacity of parliamentarians and other national/regional decision-makers in ECOWAS countries to promote meaningful youth engagement in political advocacy;
- Strengthen operational, management, leadership, financial, and partner engagement capacity of WAHO to deliver quality SRH support to ECOWAS member countries.
Beneficiaries: Adolescents and Youth; Ministries of Health, local CSOs and research institutions.
Project components:
- C1 - Support to AFD/DEMSAN fund for ECOWAS countries: Strengthened capacity of CSOs and research institutions in ECOWAS countries to engage youth; and deliver quality, comprehensive, SRH information, research, and services to adolescents and young people.
- C2 - Support to KfW/RRHP capacity building fund for ECOWAS countries: Strengthened capacity of CSOs and ministries in ECOWAS member States to deliver against their FP2020 commitments, with a particular focus on commodity security.
- C3 - Political Advocacy: Reinforced capacity of parliamentarians and other national/regional decision-makers in ECOWAS member States to promote meaningful youth engagement in political advocacy and secure financing and support for SRH information and services of adolescents and young people.
- C4 - WAHO management support component including to AFD and KfW Initiatives: Strengthened operational, management, leadership, financial, and partner engagement capacity of WAHO to deliver quality SRH support to ECOWAS member countries.